The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology: A Contextual Approach, Edition 3

· Routledge


The third edition of the hugely successful Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology incorporates important advances in the field to provide a reliable and accessible resource for clinical psychologists. Beginning with a set of general conceptual frameworks for practice, the book gives specific guidance on the management of problems commonly encountered in clinical work with children and adolescents drawing on the best practice in the fields of clinical psychology and family therapy. In six sections thorough and comprehensive coverage of the following areas is provided:

Frameworks for practice

Problems of infancy and early childhood

Problems of middle childhood

Problems of adolescence

Child abuse

Adjustment to major life transitions

Thoroughly updated throughout, each chapter dealing with specific clinical problems includes cases examples and detailed discussion of diagnosis, classification, epidemiology and clinical features. New material includes the latest advances in: child and adolescent clinical psychology; developmental psychology and developmental psychopathology; assessment and treatment programmes. This book is invaluable as both a reference work for experienced practitioners and as an up-to-date, evidence-based practice manual for clinical psychologists in training.

The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology is one of a set of 3 books published by Routledge which includes The Handbook of Adult Clinical Psychology: An Evidence Based Practice Approach, Second Edition (Edited by Carr & McNulty) and The Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Clinical Psychology Practice (Edited by Alan Carr, Christine Linehan, Gary O’Reilly, Patricia Noonan Walsh and John McEvoy).


Alan Carr is Professor of Clinical Psychology and the Director of the Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology at University College Dublin. He is also a consultant psychologist and family therapist at the Clanwilliam Institute, Dublin. He has published other books with Routledge including The Handbook of Clinical Intervention with Young People who Sexually Abuse (co-edited with Gary O’Reilly, Bill Marshall and Richard Beckett), Clinical Psychology: An Introduction, What Works with Children, Adolescents and Adults? and Positive Psychology, Second edition. He has worked in the fields of clinical psychology and family therapy in the UK, Ireland and Canada.




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