The Handbook of International Financial Terms

· OUP Oxford
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This Handbook aims to be the most comprehensive and up to date reference book available to those who are involved or could be involved in the world of finance. The financial world has a capacity for ingenious innovation and this extends to the often bewildering array and use of terms. Here you can find out what a Circus, a Firewall, an Amazon Bond, a Clean Float, a Cocktail Swap, a Butterfly, a Streaker, a Straddle and a Strangle are. As well as defining terms, the book also shows how they are used differently in different markets and countries. It also has numerous examples showing clearly the use of particular calculations and instruments; and provides details of major markets, acronyms and currencies. Reflecting the development of global financial markets this Handbook will have broad appeal around the world. It will be a reliable guide for practitioners, and those in the related professions of accounting, law and management. At the same time it will be an invaluable companion for advanced students of finance, accounting and business.

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Authors have solid professional and academic background. Moles worked in corporate finance for Chase Manhattan, and Terry is an expert on venture capital

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