The Inspection: A Kinky Lesbian New Adult Romance

· DykeLove Quickies 5. kniha · Jacintha Topaz
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Táto e‑kniha

After successive false starts, Mercedes Samford caves in to a personal referral and seeks professional help in the love life department.

Psychotherapist Roxanne Evers has a hidden talent she employs to help her clients. What she sees in her last intake of the day blows her away and entices her to break the unbreakable code of ethics.

The Inspection is a Kinky Lesbian New Adult Romance written by Jacintha Topaz.

Each book in the DykeLove Quickies series is a stand-alone work. 
Book 1: The Interview 
Book 2: The Interrogation 
Book 3: The Inquiry 
Book 4: The Investigation 
Book 5: The Inspection
Book 6: The Inquisition

O autorovi

Jacintha Topaz is the author of Purr Erotica Romance, devoted to F/F, M/M, LGBT, Menage and More BDSM, kink, bondage, fetish, spanking, domination, submission, hot, sexy, erotic romance reads. When not writing, she can be found indulging in cashews and kefir and her secret love of armchair gardening. For exclusive news on releases, sign up for her newsletter:

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