The Investor's Guidebook to Equities: Equity Pricing, Trading, and Investing

· Сатушысы: Penguin
3 пікір
Электрондық кітап

Осы электрондық кітап туралы ақпарат

A concise, yet comprehensive, guidebook to understanding equity investments.

This authoritative guide provides all the information that both the professional and individual investor will need to succeed in today’s equity market, including:

• The role that equities play in a company's capital structure and in a portfolio
• Determining and optimizing a company's weighted average cost of capital
• The role of preferred stock within a company's capital structure
• The various types of preferred stock
• How new stocks are issued
• The top ten equity strategies
• Alternative ways to obtain equity exposures

[box] The Investor’s Guidebook series presents investment vehicles and strategies from both the issuers’ and the investors’ perspectives. Starting with basic concepts and then building to state of the art pricing models, strategies, and tactics, these succinct handbooks will be useful for everyone from new hires through experienced professionals. Unlike most books, which are read once and sit on the shelf, professionals will refer to these books repeatedly throughout their careers. [end box]

A concise, yet comprehensive, guidebook to understanding equity investments.

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3 пікір

Авторы туралы

Stuart Veale is the President and founder of the Investment Performance Institute, Inc., a firm that specializes in providing advanced level practical capital markets training and consulting services to the financial services industry. Previously he was a Senior Vice President of Portfolio Strategy and Design for the National Sales Group at Prudential Securities Inc. and Senior Vice President of Advanced Training at PaineWebber Inc. He has published 6 books including The Handbook of the US Capital Markets, Bond Yield Analysis, Tapping the Small Business Market, Essential Investment Math, Essential Asset Allocation, and Stocks, Bonds, Options, & Futures.

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