The King's City: The Demon War Chronicles 3

· The Demon War Chronicles 3-р ном · Momentum
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'He is coming. All is lost. All is dust and darkness.'

The rising shadow of the Indemeus X covers Scorpia City, and in that shadow, a serial killer moves without a trace. The city is in lockdown while the Trackers search for answers, and hope of saving Aquais dwindles with every passing hour.

Facing the loss of one of their own, the team opens a portal into a ruined, savage land. There Eli will pit himself against a demon king to rescue a man known as the Almighty. If he fails, all will be lost.

In another world, kingdoms are at war and a prince struggles with a difficult truth. He is haunted by the past, stalked by a witch, and watched over by a warrior with a dark secret, who will fight to save his life.

In pursuit of their separate salvations, their powers will be taken and their love tested and broken. In truth lies power, but to find the truth they must risk everything.

The King's City is the third book in The Demon War Chronicles. The first two books, The Last City and The Forgotten City are available now.

An exciting urban fantasy perfect for fans of Jeff VanderMeer, China Miéville and Jim Butcher.

Зохиогчийн тухай

Nina D'Aleo wrote her first book at age seven (a fantasy adventure about a girl named Tina and her flying horse). Due to most of the book being written with a feather dipped in water, no one else has ever read "Tina and White Beauty." Many more dream worlds and illegible books followed. Nina blames early exposure to Middle-earth and Narnia for her general inability to stick to reality. She also blames her parents. And her brother.

Nina has completed degrees in creative writing and psychology. She currently lives in Brisbane, Australia, with her husband, George, their two sons, Josef and Daniel, and two cats Mr. Foofy and Gypsy. She spends most of her days playing with toys, saying things like "share," "play gentle," and "let's eat our veggies" and hearing things like "no," "no way" and "NEVER!". She is also working on more books – including the next book in The Demon War Chronicles series.

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