The Last Boys Picked: Helping Boys Who Don't Play Sports Survive Bullies and Boyhood

· Penguin tərəfindən satılır

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Boys who don't play sports are often the targets of bullying, but a boy's worst bully may be the one he can't see: society's expectations about how he should act, how he should relate, and how he should play.

Overlooked by a society that reinforces impossible standards of "masculinity," boys who are uninterested in competitive sports or have non-aggressive personalities are often vilified and bullied for being different as they grow up in the shadow of America's obsession with bigger, faster, richer, and stronger.

Through a fascinating assortment of in-depth interviews, clinical case studies, and examples from popular literature, Dr. Janet Sasson Edgette and Beth Margolis Rupp illustrate how these boys are relegated to a second-class social status simply because they can't make a free throw or because they can spell better than they can run.

Compassionate, empowering, and instructive, The Last Boys Picked will help parents, teachers, coaches, and caregivers identify the social and emotional hurdles that these boys face. It offers specific action steps to help any child build resilience and a healthy self-esteem-and tips for talking to them about their experiences and teaching them to face the schoolyard-and the world-with confidence.

Müəllif haqqında

Janet Sasson Edgette, Psy.D.., is a renowned child and family psychologist, and the author of five books. She leads popular workshops on parenting and children’s mental health nationwide.

Beth Margolis Rupp, M.A., is a nationally recognized educator and service-learning specialist with over 25 years of experience developing community school partnerships. She has devoted her career to empowering people and improving communities through education.

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