The Last Enemy: Lonesome Lawmen Book 1

· Lonesome Lawmen 1-kitob · Pauline Baird Jones
84 ta sharh
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Award-winning romantic suspense from USA Today Bestselling author, Pauline Baird Jones! 

Step into a thrilling chase with "The Last Enemy," the first installment in the gripping Lonesome Lawmen series by renowned author Pauline Baird Jones. This fast-paced romantic suspense novel keeps you on the edge of your seat, intertwining the fear of a ruthless killer with an unexpected love story. 

In the heart of Denver, Dani Gwynne emerges as a crucial witness, holding the power to confine a brutal murderer. Following her son's haunting death, surviving to testify is her only goal, until her safehouse gets breached. Thrust into Denver's bustling streets, Dani embarks on a desperate survival journey...

Deputy US Marshal Matthew Kirby, the sole barrier between an innocent woman and her relentless pursuer, faces a unique challenge. Locating Dani amidst Denver's vast expanse was supposed to be the most arduous part of his task, but earning her trust adds a fresh layer of complexity. As unexpected feelings bloom, both face unprecedented danger...

"The Last Enemy" is a suspenseful mystery infused with romance, renowned for its fast-paced action, compelling relationships, and engaging dialogue. Perfect for fans of mystery novels with a touch of romance, and those who appreciate well-crafted dialogue and plot twists.

Discover why Pauline Baird Jones is beloved by fans of romantic suspense novels. Purchase "The Last Enemy" today and plunge into a thrilling, mile-high mystery that'll leave you asking for more!

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84 ta sharh

Muallif haqida

USA Today Bestselling author Pauline Baird Jones never liked reality, so she writes books. She likes to wander among the genres, rampaging like Godzilla, because she does love peril mixed in her romance. Loves chocolate, bacon, flamingoes, and mid-century modern anything.

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