The Life Magnet

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8 шүүмж
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Here is the "Open Sesame of life"-the hidden formula of how to use your subconscious mind for achievement and success, by the popular author of The Secret of the Ages.

In every hallowed fable, legend, and maxim known the world over-from the parables of Christ to the tales of Ali Baba to the riddles of the alchemists-there hides a secret. For those with eyes to see it, this secret can be life-changing. It is so simple that it hides in plain sight, seen yet unseen every day.

Writing with the characteristic precision and vividness that has made him one of the greatest inspirational authors of the past century, Robert Collier reveals this secret in his little-known classic, The Life Magnet.

What is this great secret? Simply this: The images that you impress upon your subconscious mind-whether of abundance or lack, failure or success-outpicture the surrounding world in startling and unexpected ways.

In The Life Magnet, Collier shows how to overcome mental obstacles and use this hidden power-which he variously calls the Divine Mind, the subconscious mind, the "Genii-of-your-Mind," and the "Open Sesame of life." Whatever the name, Collier illustrates how it works, why it works, how to summon it, and how to control it for higher good in your life.

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8 шүүмж

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Born in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1885, Robert Collier trained to become a priest early in his life, before settling on a career in business, achieving success in the fields of advertising, publishing, and engineering. After recovering from a chronic illness with the help of mental healing, Collier began studying New Thought, metaphysical, and success principles. He distilled these principles into a popular and influential pamphlet series, The Secret of the Ages, in 1926. He began issuing a second pamphlet series called The Secret of Gold in 1927 and completed it the following year under the title The Life Magnet. He died in 1950.

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