The Lightkeeper's Woman

· Прадавец: Harlequin
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Their Grand Passion Had Burned Too Brightly To Survive

But faced with wedding another, Alanna Patterson was determined to reignite any smoldering embers of desire Caleb Pitt might still harbor for her. Would her brawny captain, now a solitary lighthouse keeper, rescue her from a sea of regrets? Or had tragedy both public and private sunk any hopes for a lasting love?

Caleb Pitt had once believed love was eternal as the sea, for Alanna Patterson had promised him forever. But despite her vow, she’d left him to drown in disgrace. Now, years later, she’d reappeared on a storm-tossed wave, beautiful as a siren…and just as seductive!

Звесткі пра аўтара

Mary Burton was born in the U.S. and earned an English degree from Virginia¿s Hollins University. After a decade of working in marketing and sales, Mary Burton became convinced she could write and sell one of her many stories. Burton left the marketing profession and devoted all her spare time to writing a novel. Soon after, she sold her first manuscript to Harlequin Historicals. Since that initial sale, MB had written twelve historical romances for Harlequin Historicals, four short romantic suspenses for Silhouette Romantic Suspense and a non-fiction book The Insider¿s Guide to Direct Marketing. Her first single title romantic suspense for Zebra I¿m Watching You is a December 2007 release. In 2005, The Unexpected Wife was a finalist Romance Writers of America¿s RITA contest and Wise Moves was 2006 nominee for the Romantic Times¿ Critics Choice Award. I¿m Watching You received critical acclaim from New York Times Best Selling author Carla Neggers.

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