The Low-FODMAP Cookbook: 100 Delicious, Gut-Friendly Recipes for IBS and other Digestive Disorders

· Quarto Publishing Group USA


Learn to soothe your stomach with this cookbook featuring one hundred delicious recipes designed for those with IBS and other digestive difficulties.

For people who suffer from IBS, Crohn’s Disease, and Colitis, eating well can feel nearly impossible. Many of the troubles they experience stem from carbohydrates known as FODMAPs, which are not absorbed properly by the lower intestine. Once these carbohydrates reach the large intestine, they cause many uncomfortable symptoms such as gas, bloating, and pain.

While the list of forbidden foods is extensive, The Low-FODMAP Cookbook successfully avoids them all to create deliciously healthy recipes. The book includes a low-FODMAP eating plan that explains in detail which foods are not allowed and why. The recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks are so simple and delicious, they’ll appeal to the whole family!


Dianne Benjamin (Cedar Rapids, IA) is the creator of the blog, Delicious As It Looks, a blog dedicated to Low-FODMAP recipes. A lifelong lover of cooking, Dianne found that she needed to change her approach to food and nutrition when she was diagnosed with IBS and food intolerances. The blog was born and she soon started converting the recipes she loved into low-FODMAP versions that were belly-friendly.




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