The Magic of Mental Diagrams: Expand Your Memory, Enhance Your Concentration, and Learn to Apply Logic

· Прадавец: Simon and Schuster
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When Einstein said we only use 10 percent of our brain, he was inviting us to explore all those capabilities that are waiting to be awakened. This book finally explains how to do just that.

Mental diagrams are a simple, efficient means of activating all our potential. Upon sketching a mental diagram, we create a blueprint with shapes, colors, and figures to process information faster and to increase our ability to synthesize.

This excellent, creative system of thinking allows us to obtain a joint vision of life’s daily problems in addition to strengthening all the areas in which our mind operates, like memory, concentration, logic, or intuition. In the pages of this book, you will discover:

• The function of the human brain
• How to create mental diagrams
• Exercises to strengthen memory
• Intelligence regarding personal decisions
• Tests to develop intuition and creativity
• Secrets of the great lecturers

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Звесткі пра аўтара

Claudio Aros is licensed in economics by the University of Barcelona. He is currently a human resources adviser, a job that combines lecturing, writing, and disseminating information. Aros is the author of ¿Qué Puede Hacer por Mí la Psicología? (What Can Psychology Do for Me?).

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