The No-Gluten Cookbook: Delicious Recipes to Make Your Mouth Water...all gluten-free!

· Прадавец: Simon and Schuster
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More than 200 recipes of mouth-watering, gluten-free recipes!

If you have a gluten allergy, or know someone with one, then you know that it is extremely difficult to live with a gluten intolerance. Not only is it a trial to find foods that are safe to eat, it is ten times harder to find foods that are healthy, gluten-free, and appeal to the whole family! The No-Gluten Cookbook is here to help you solve these problems and more, with such breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack offerings as: Shrimp and Lobster Salad; Fresh Tuscan Tomato Soup; Spicy Cornbread Stuffed with Chilies; Chocolate Mint Swirl Cheesecake with Chocolate Nut Crust; and more. Having a gluten allergy does not mean you have to sacrifice fine dining! With more than 200 delicious, gluten-free recipes to choose from, you'll start to see your diet restrictions as benefits, rather than deprivations!

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An Adams Media author.

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