The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need

· Penguin саткан
16 сын-пикир
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The USA Today bestseller by the star sales speaker and author of The Sales Blog that reveals how all salespeople can attain huge sales success through strategies backed by extensive research and experience.
Anthony Iannarino never set out to become a salesman, let alone a sales manager, speaker, coach, or writer of the most prominent blog about the art and science of great selling. He fell into his profession by accident, as a day job while pursuing rock-and-roll stardom.
Once he realized he'd never become the next Mick Jagger, Iannarino turned his focus to a question that's been debated for at least a century: Why are a small number of salespeople in any field hugely successful, while the rest get mediocre results at best? 
The answer is simple: it’s not about the market, the product, or the competition—it’s all about the seller. And consequently, any salesperson can sell more and better, all the time.
Over twenty-five years, Iannarino has boiled down everything he's learned and tested into one convenient book that explains what all successful sellers, regardless of industry or organization, share: a mind-set of powerful beliefs and a skill-set of key actions, including...
·Self-discipline: How to keep your commitments to yourself and others.
·Accountability: How to own the outcomes you sell.
·Competitiveness: How to embrace competition rather than let it intimidate you.
·Resourcefulness: How to blend your imagination, experience, and knowledge into unique solutions.
·Storytelling: How to create deeper relationships by presenting a story in which the client is the hero and you're their guide.
·Diagnosing: How to look below the surface to figure out someone else's real challenges and needs.

Once you learn Iannarino's core strategies, picking up the specific tactics for your product and customers will be that much easier. Whether you sell to big companies, small companies, or individual consumers, this is the book you'll turn to again and again for proven wisdom, strategies, and tips that really work.

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16 сын-пикир

Автор жөнүндө

Anthony Iannarino is an international speaker, an author, and a sales leader. His acclaimed blog draws an average of 50,000 readers every month. He leads a high-performing sales team, speaks to sales organizations nationwide, and teaches part time at Capital University's Capital School of Management and Leadership. He lives with his family in Westerville, Ohio.

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