The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Performance Psychology

· Oxford University Press
3 ግምገማዎች

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Performance Psychology includes the latest research and applied perspectives from leaders in the field of performance psychology. Current and comprehensive, this foundational volume presents sport and performance psychology from myriad perspectives, including: - individual psychological processes in performance such as attention, imagery, superior performance intelligence, motivation, anxiety, confidence, cognition and emotion - the social psychological processes in performance including leadership, teamwork, coaching, relationships, moral behavior, and gender and cultural issues - human development issues in performance, such as the development of talent and expertise, positive youth development, the role of the family, end of involvement transitions, and both youth and masters-level sport and physical activity programs - interventions in sport and performance psychology and counseling of performers in distress including such important issues for all performers as: appearance- and performance-enhancing drug use, injuries, managing pain, eating and weight issues, burnout, and the role of physical activity in maintaining health. The chapters collected here also cover the history of sport and performance psychology; the scope and nature of the field; ethical issues in sport and performance psychology; performance psychology in the performing arts and other non-sporting fields; perfectionism and performance; the role of the performance coach and of the sport psychologist with a coach and team; supervision; and a look ahead to the future of the field.

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Shane Murphy, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology at Western Connecticut State University, where he teaches sport, health and performance psychology.

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