The Oz Principle: Getting Results Through Individual and Organizational Accountability

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The definitive book on workplace accountability by the New York Times bestselling authors of How Did That Happen?

Since it was originally published in 1994, The Oz Principle has sold nearly 600,000 copies and become the worldwide bible on accountability. Through its practical and invaluable advice, thousands of companies have learned just how vital personal and organizational accountability is for a company to achieve and maintain its best results.

At the core of the authors' message is the idea that when people take personal ownership of their organization's goals and accept responsibility for their own performance, they become more invested and work at a higher level to ensure not only their own success, but everyone's. Now more than ever, The Oz Principle is vital to anyone charged with obtaining results. It is a must have, must read, and must apply classic business book.

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Three-time New York Times best-selling authors Roger Connors and Tom Smith have written more on the sub­ject of personal accountability than anyone. Known by many as “the Oz guys” based on their breakthrough best seller, The Oz Principle: Getting Results Through Individual and Organizational Accountability, Connors and Smith have spent the last 25 years coaching and consulting some of the top business leaders and organizations in the world. They are the cofounders of Partners In Leadership, LLC, a leadership training and management con­sulting company recognized as the premier provider of accountability training services around the world. The leaders they have worked with have gone on to become industry superstars and are hailed as some of the most influential people in their areas of expertise. Connors and Smith have led consulting engagements and major organizational interventions throughout the world. They both received MBA degrees from the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University.
Craig Hickman has authored seventeen books, among them such international bestsellers as The Oz Principle, Creating Excellence, Mind of a Manager Soul of a Leader, and The Strategy Game. He is a Harvard MBA, former CEO of Headwaters Technology Innovation (HW:NYSE), founder of the consulting firm Management Perspectives Group, and currently a Senior Partner and Thought Leader at Partners In Leadership. He lives in Charleston, SC.

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