The Peaceful Nursery: Preparing A Home For Your Baby With Feng Shui

· Sotuvchi: Delta
2 ta sharh
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As a new parent, the nursery is the most important room in your home, and designing this special space is also an opportunity to prepare, mentally and physically, for the changes to come. In The Peaceful Nursery, home and lifestyle experts Laura Forbes Carlin and Alison Forbes show you how to apply the best principles of home decorating, Feng Shui, and healthy living (as well as their own parenting experience!) to create a warm and welcoming environment for your new baby.

Also included: 12 Steps to Clearing Clutter…Tips for storage and organization…Colors that soothe… Arranging parent bedrooms…and much, much more!

Featuring dozens of color photographs and helpful diagrams, plus a Quick Tips section at the end of each chapter, The Peaceful Nursery: Preparing a Home for Your Baby with Feng Shui is the ultimate guide to creating beautiful and nurturing surroundings for you and your baby.

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2 ta sharh

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Laura Forbes Carlin and Alison Forbes are sisters, Feng Shui experts, and co-founders of a home and lifestyle consulting business, The Art of Everyday Living ( They live in Los Angeles.

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