The Prophecy

· Payne & Jones 5. knjiga · Prodajalec: Penguin
15 mnenj

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The legendary Nostradamus predicted numerous world-changing events. But his most important prophecies remained hidden. After discovering a message written in a series of codes and ancient languages a young woman is prompted to seek out former Special Forces Operatives Jonathan Payne and David Jones for help. Unfortunately, their meeting is interrupted by an assassin whose only mission is to kill all who know of the secret message. Pursued across two continents, Payne and Jones must locate this sacred text from the past that could change the future.

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15 mnenj

O avtorju

Chris Kuzneski is the internationally bestselling author of The Secret Crown, The ProphecyThe Lost ThroneSword of GodSign of the Cross, and The Plantation. His thrillers have been published in more than 20 languages and are sold in more than 40 countries. He grew up in Pennsylvania and now lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida.

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