The Revelation Code: A Novel

· Nina Wilde and Eddie Chase წიგნი 11 · გამყიდველი: Dell
16 მიმოხილვა

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

For fans of James Rollins and Matthew Reilly comes the next exciting, globe-trotting adventure in Andy McDermott’s explosive series featuring American archaeologist Nina Wilde and ex-SAS bodyguard Eddie Chase.
The Bible’s last book hides a secret that could end the world.
In the heart of Iraq, on the eve of Operation Iraqi Freedom, a CIA special forces unit met with Arab rebels near long-hidden ancient ruins, a place from which the Americans were direly warned to stay away. But team member Ezekiel Cross didn’t listen and made an astounding discovery—one worth killing for.
Now Cross is a ruthless cult leader on an ominous mission. Convinced that he’s unlocked the secrets of the Bible’s Book of Revelation, he’s determined to gather four stone angels that will trigger God’s promised End of Days. And he’s not alone. A former U.S. president, with a vision of all-out religious warfare, plays a role in the dark plot. But while Cross may have the clues to tracking down the remaining angels, he hasn’t been able to match them to real-world locations. For that he has coerced famed archaeologist Nina Wilde into assisting him, using her husband, ex–special forces soldier Eddie Chase, as collateral.
With Eddie held hostage, Nina is forced to recover relics of untold power from Rome to Israel. She must find a way to halt Cross’s mad quest, because the last piece of the puzzle is at hand—and with it comes the most terrifying revelation of all.
Praise for The Revelation Code
“There is no end to the mischief that husband and wife team Eddie Chase and Nina Wilde can get into; no archaeological mystery is safe; and if X marks the spot you can bet that that’s where you’ll also find Nina and Eddie, no doubt looking a bit battered. . . . This is such a strong series and I can never get enough of it. The Revelation Code is a fine addition to it, combining a great plot and mystery with a new phase in Eddie and Nina’s relationship. I cannot wait to see what happens next. Nothing will be the same again.”—For Winter Nights
“A fun, frantic read that moves along at a breakneck pace, even through heavy scenes of torture, religious insanity, and political posturing . . . big-time popcorn adventure fun, complete with a dose of history and humor.”—Beauty in Ruins

შეფასებები და მიმოხილვები

16 მიმოხილვა

ავტორის შესახებ

Andy McDermott is a former journalist and movie critic who now writes novels full-time following the international success of his debut thriller, The Hunt for Atlantis, which has been sold around the world in more than twenty languages. He is also the author of The Tomb of Hercules, The Secret of Excalibur, The Covenant of Genesis, The Pyramid of Doom, The Sacred Vault, Empire of Gold, Return to Atlantis, The Shadow Protocol, The Valhalla Prophecy, Kingdom of Darkness, and The Revelation Code. He lives in Bournemouth, England, with his wife and son.

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