The Scarlet Affair: A Romantic Thriller

· Blackwood Security 10. kniha · Undercover Publishing Limited
17 recenzií
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Eight dead men. Eight grieving widows…

After a series of particularly nasty home invasions, Blackwood Security is hired to catch the killers. With the company’s reputation at stake, everyone on the team is desperate to solve the mystery, unaware that there’s a traitor in their midst.

Cade Duchamp’s eager to help, but a minor indiscretion with the wrong girl leaves him banished to undercover duty. He’s always liked motorbikes, but he doesn’t like being a biker. Uncomfortable leather, an itchy beard, a lack of soap—need he say more? Cade wants to be back at head office, hunting down the real bad guys. At least, he does until five-year-old Scarlet turns up. The daughter he never knew he had.

Taylor Hancock likes to fade into the background. As an office cleaner, she can come to work, do her job, and avoid those dreaded social interactions. But nobody says no to Emmy Black, and as Scarlet’s new nanny, Taylor’s forced way out of her comfort zone into a world of shopping trips, parties, and playdates. 

The only problem? 

She’s the traitor.

The Scarlet Affair is a standalone romantic suspense novel in the Blackwood Security series—no cliffhanger! 

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17 recenzií

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