The Scarlet Gospels

· Macmillan
19 ta sharh
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"I think Clive Barker is so good that I am literally tongue-tied." Stephen King


The last of Earth's magicians are living in fear. A Cenobite Hell Priest known as Pinhead is killing them off, gorging on their knowledge to enhance his own magical powers as part of a quest to take over Hell. Meanwhile, Private Investigator Harry D' Amour is fulfilling the final wishes of the dead, who communicate with his business associate, the blind medium Norma Paine. But while investigating one such case, Harry inadvertently opens up a portal between Hell and Earth.

When Harry's nemesis Pinhead emerges through the portal, a vicious battle ensues. After failing to enlist Harry to pen his Scarlet Gospels - the epistles chronicling the Hell Priest's grand coup - Pinhead instead captures Norma. Harry realizes he must go through Hell - literally - to save her.


"A powerful and fascinating writer with a brilliant imagination... an outstanding storyteller" JG Ballard

"To call Clive Barker a 'horror novelist' would be like calling the Beatles a 'garage band'... He is the great imaginer of our time. He knows not only our greatest fears, but also what delights us, what turns us on, and what is truly holy in the world. Haunting, bizarre, beautiful." Quentin Tarantino

"Barker is much more than genre writer" New York Times Book Review

"Barker dislocates your mind" Mail on Sunday

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19 ta sharh

Muallif haqida

Clive Barker is a legendary author, filmmaker, and visual artist. His acumen as a horror writer has been praised as some of the most influential to pop culture in recent times. Stephen King hailed Barker as "the future of horror." His Books of Blood series, films, comic books, art, and his novella The Hellbound Heart which first introduced the world to Pinhead and inspired the Hellraiser movies have amassed a global cult following and cemented their place in pop culture history. The Scarlet Gospels marks Barker's highly-anticipated return to horror fiction.

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