The Secret Witch

· The Witches of London Trilogy 1. kniha · Open Road Media
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The “gorgeously gothic and gripping” YA fantasy novel about three witchy young women in Regency London who discover both their legacy and their destiny (The Guardian).

For Emma and her cousins Gretchen and Penelope, the stuffiness of 1814 London society is simply unbearable—even as Emma wishes the roguish Cormac Fairfax would pay her any kind of attention.
But that all changes when Emma accidentally breaks a glass memento left to her by her mother. Suddenly, all three young women find themselves gifted with powers of witchcraft—and they will most certainly need them.
For they have unwittingly unleashed a scourge upon London: an evil coven whose powerful members gain their strength from killing young witches.
And Emma has just caught their very unwanted attention . . .
In this fun, frightful, and thrilling tale, Alyxandra Harvey invites you to be enthralled by her “elaborate fantasy world filled with whimsy, magic, and love” (Publishers Weekly).
The Secret Witch is the 1st book in the Witches of London Trilogy, which also includes The Whisper Witch and The Bone Witch.

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O autorovi

Alyxandra Harvey lives in a stone Victorian house in Ontario, Canada, with a few resident ghosts who are allowed to stay as long they keep company manners. She also lives with assorted dogs (at least one corgi) and her husband. She likes vanilla tea, tattoos, and books. She is sometimes fueled by literary rage.

She is the author of the Drake Chronicles, Haunting Violet, the Witches of London Trilogy, and Red.

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