The Seduction Request

· Silhouette
3 iritzi
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When millionaire Matt Conway returned to his Michigan hometown to expand his business, he hadn't counted on running into Emily Douglas--or being asked to seduce her! Now, in a secluded lake house under the stars, Matt had another chance with the blue-eyed beauty he'd let slip away. And this time, he was determined not to let her go.

Emily had never forgotten her night with Matt--and she'd never had another like it. Though years had passed, passion still flared between them. But could Emily forgive the man who'd broken her heart, or would falling for his seduction request leave her even more shattered than before?

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3 iritzi

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USA Today Bestseller Michelle Celmer is the author of more than 40 books for Harlequin and Silhouette. You can usually find her in her office with her laptop loving the fact that she gets to work in her pajamas.

Michelle loves to hear from her readers!  Visit Michelle on Facebook at Michelle Celmer Author,  or email at

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