The Shepherd of The Hills

· Pelican Publishing
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In this classic Christian Western novel, a stranger brings a message of forgiveness to a remote community in the Ozark mountains.
The Shepherd of the Hills tells the classic tale of a stranger who takes the Old Trail deep into the Ozark mountains, many miles from civilization. Learned yet melancholy, he spends his days tending local sheep. And though he lives apart from the townsfolk of Mutton Hollow, he is a friend to one and all. As the story of his tragic past comes to light, so do the lessons of grace and forgiveness bestowed upon us all by the true shepherd.
First published in 1907, The Shepherd of the Hills became an instant bestseller and was later adapted into a classic film starring John Wayne and Harry Carey.

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6 iritzi

Egileari buruz

Harold Bell Wright was born in Rome, New York on May 4, 1872. Before becoming a full-time author, he was a preacher. Between 1902 and 1942 he wrote 19 books, several stage plays, and numerous magazine articles. His books include That Printer of Udell's; The Shepherd of the Hills; The Calling of Dan Matthews; The Winning of Barbara Worth; and To My Sons. He died of bronchial pneumonia on May 24, 1944.

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