The Shrewd Christian: You Can't Have It All, But You Can Have More Than Enough

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If financial freedom seems like an unattainable dream–wake up! Let Neil Atkinson open your eyes to the truth about wealth in this biblically based, practical, readable, funny, and encouraging guide.

If you want to get a grip on your finances, you’ ve got to let go of your misconceptions about what it means to be shrewd. The Shrewd Christian will enable you to conquer money, not merely solve money problems. When you change your thinking, you’ll see your lifestyle change. And when your lifestyle changes, you’ll experience true wealth.

Neil Atkinson started out where you are. And now he’s ready to show you how to achieve authentic, biblical financial freedom for the rest of your life.

Зохиогчийн тухай

Neil Atkinson is not a financial expert, but he has learned what it means to become and remain truly wealthy. A graduate of Hope College and Fuller Seminary, Neil worked with Young Life for thirty-two years in a variety of leadership positions. There he discovered how to thrive, not just survive, on a meager ministry salary. In 1996, Neil founded Next! Leadership Development, helping people actively pursue God’s calling on their lives.

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