The Smartest Retirement Book You'll Ever Read

· Được bán bởi Penguin
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Follow the advice in The Smartest Retirement Book You'll Ever Read and you will:
  • Find simple strategies to maximize your retirement nest egg
  • Steer clear of scams that rob you of your hard-earned savings
  • Ensure that your money lasts longer than you do
  • Avoid the common mistakes that can leave your spouse impoverished
  • Discover financial lifelines no matter how desperate the economy

"If you want a handy guide that provides information in small chunks, Solin's book is it." -Newark Star-Ledger

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Giới thiệu tác giả

Dan Solin, an Investment Advisor Representative and nationally known advocate for investors, is the author of The Smartest Retirement Book You’ll Ever Read, Does Your Broker Owe You Money?, and the New York Times bestsellers The Smartest Investment Book You’ll Ever Readand The Smartest 401(k) Book You’ll Ever Read. His award-winning books have been widely praised by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Library Journal, and many financial writers, leading economists, and others.

Solin is a financial columnist for AOL. His advice appears frequently on its Welcome Screen where it is viewed by millions of readers. He is also one of the most popular financial bloggers on The Huffington Post. A frequent guest on national television and radio shows, Solin has addressed professional organizations of accountants, advisors and financial planners and has testified before Congress on investor issues.

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