The Struggles of Johnny Cannon

· Sotuvchi: Simon and Schuster
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From Cuba to Cullman, Alabama, the dramatics continue in this follow-up to The Troubles of Johnny Cannon, an action-packed adventure that Booklist called “a book that addresses important historical events with tact and poignancy.”

Johnny Cannon is back, and he’s still got problems. He’s trying to find a happy ending with Martha Macker, whom he’s accidentally told he loves like a sister. His best friend’s Willie’s family is being pressured to move out of Cullman to who knows where. A pregnant lady’s shown up and claims she carrying his deceased brother’s baby. His Pa is still using the radio in the garage, calling himself and his two friends “the Three Caballeros.” And to make matters worse, the Mafia has a price tag on Johnny’s head twice the size of Cuba. Johnny Cannon is going to need all the help he can get.

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Muallif haqida

Isaiah Campbell was born and bred in Texas, and spent his childhood reading a blend of Dickens, Dumas, and Stan Lee. He dreamed his whole life of becoming a writer. And also of being bitten by a radioactive spider. Unfortunately, only one dream has panned out. For fifteen years he taught and coached students in writing and the arts before he finally took his own advice and wrote The Troubles of Johnny Cannon and The Struggles of Johnny Cannon. He lives in Philadelphia with his wife, three children, and his sanity, although that may be moving out soon. He occasionally searches the classifieds for the bulk sale of spiders and uranium but hasn’t had any luck yet. Find him online at

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