Theory of Microeconomics

· Academic Press

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Theory of Microeconomics provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of microeconomics. This book covers a variety of topics, including economic theory, resource allocation, production transformations, producer efficiency, utility functions, consumer efficiency, and trade efficiency. Organized into four parts encompassing 11 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the definition of economics and provides several views of the significance of theory in economics. This text then examines the role of mathematics in economic theory and discusses the mathematical background for the theory of production. Other chapters consider the formal structure of economics, which is elaborated and compared with the theory of resource allocations and with classical mechanics. This book discusses as well the properties of production, the neoclassical model of production, and the problem of producer efficiency. The final chapter deals with capital goods and financial assets. This book is a valuable resource for professional economists and graduate students in economics.

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