Urolithiasis in Clinical Practice

· Springer

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This book serves as a concise guide to urinary stone disease, providing simplified and complete information about the topic area. Various surgical techniques are provided and accompanied by first-hand accounts, to give insight into the operating room.

The book is a quick reference guide and is relevant to both trainees and professionals. Written by a leading expert in the field, this book brings together years of experience and contains essential information on all aspects of lithology. The book covers all treatment options so that the best possible methods can be chosen for each patient.

Urinary stone disease is a widespread ailment and updated information about it is permanently needed by trainees and professionals.

Tentang pengarang

Said Abdallah Al-Mamari. Qualifications: MBBS, MRCS Ireland, Arab Board Urology, DFMSA Urology (France), DIU Robotic Surgery (France), DIU Urological Oncology (France), Fellowship in Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery (France). Urologist, Urology Department, the Royal Hospital, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.

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