Walking in the Dordogne: 35 walking routes in the Dordogne - Sarlat, Bergerac, Lalinde and Souillac, Edition 2

· Cicerone Press Limited
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Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

A guidebook to 35 day walks in France’s Dordogne region. Exploring the beautiful scenery of this historic area, the walks are suitable for beginner and experienced walkers alike.

Walks range from 6 to 19km (4–12 miles) and can be enjoyed in 2–6 hours. Each route is easily accessible from either Bergerac, Lalinde, Sarlat or Souillac (Lot) and has been graded to allow you to choose routes suitable for you.

  • 1:50,000 maps are included for each route
  • GPX files available to download
  • Detailed information on accommodation, equipment to take, local plants and wildlife
  • Highlights include medieval towns, châteaux and caves

Giới thiệu tác giả

Janette Norton lived in France, near Geneva, for over 30 years with her physicist husband, Alan, raising four children and working in marketing. Her love of mountain walking dated from the time she was a guide in her twenties, and the proximity of the Alps and Jura to her home inspired her to continue her passion. After her children grew up, she branched out to explore other areas of France. Sadly Janette died from cancer in January 2013, and her books are now revised by Alan Norton and Pamela Harris.

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