Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood: An Eleven-Week Devotional Bible Study

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Learn how God’s imprint on your heart can make a lasting impression on your children.

Being a mom usually means being busy. Really busy. Whether you’re zipping from your children’s piano lessons to their next ballgame or nursing a baby while comforting a toddler, life is brimming with activities.  Yet one encounter can help shape every moment: time in the Word with Jesus. In Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood, you’ll learn how to nourish your own heart, mind, and soul with the wisdom you need to become the mother you long to be.  

As you spend time with God through this eleven-week Bible study, you’ll gain life-shaping insights to help you. . . .

• Understand and pursue your purpose as a mother
• Live out your true priorities
• Entrust your child to God
• Bear the fruit of the Spirit in your everyday interactions
• Recover from Perfect Mom Syndrome (PMS)

Each week offers four days of study geared specifically to a mother’s concerns, with the Bible passages already printed out for your convenience. The fifth day is a warm-hearted devotional reading to help you reflect on and apply the truths you’ve learned.

As your relationship with God deepens through prayer and studying His Word, you’ll discover how His imprint on your heart can make a lasting impression on your children.

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Melissa Kruger teaches women at Uptown Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, and at conferences around the country. She regularly writes articles for the Gospel Coalition and Christianity.com, and she is the author of The Envy of Eve. Melissa’s most cherished roles include being a wife to Mike, president of Reformed Theological SeminaryCharlotte, and a mother to her three children, Emma, John, and Kate.

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