Whispering Nickel Idols: A Garrett, P.I., Novel

· Garrett 11-kitob · Sotuvchi: Penguin
16 ta sharh
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Garrett’s having a pretty good morning until, five minutes in, he finds a strange child named Penny Dreadful poking around his apartment. Before he can figure out who the mysterious urchin really is, he’s hired to investigate how an old crime boss ended up in a coma—leaving his beautiful, criminally insane daughter to run the family business.
The boss’s daughter has some lascivious designs on Garrett—and some deadly ones, too. But she’s not the only one dreaming up ways to finish off the endangered private eye—who now has to figure out why everyone is suddenly after him...

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16 ta sharh

Muallif haqida

Glen Cook used to work the assembly line at a General Motors plant, writing in between helping to build cars as they came down the conveyor belt. He has written extensively in the science fiction and fantasy fields, and is the author of the Garrett, P.I., novels and the Black Company alternate history series.

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