Wildfire (Men of Inked: Heatwave #3)

· Men of Inked: Heatwave 3. kniha · Bliss Ink LLC
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Tamara Gallo knew she was missing something in life. Looking for adventure, she takes off, searching for a hot biker who can deliver more than a good time. But once inside the Disciples Compound, she may get more than she bargained for.

The badass biker thought he had everything he wanted. He had his freedom, the open road, and the brotherhood. But after being tasked with protecting an innocent, he realizes he’s missing the most important thing of all…​

But can the bossy biker tame the wild child, or will she be too much for even him to handle?

Wildfire is the third interconnected standalone in the new steamy MC romance Men of Inked: Heatwave series by Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author Chelle Bliss.


What people are saying about the Heatwave Series

"I loved this book!!" -Corinne Michaels, NYT bestselling author

"This book will blow your mind." -Chelsea Camaron, USA Today bestselling author

"Fast-paced, twist, turns, and a whole lot of FLAME" -Kaylee Ryan, NYT bestselling author

"Blown away!" -Fiction Beer & Cupcakes

"I inhaled this engaging tale!" -Books & Bindings

"A fictional world that absolutely had me wanting more!" -Angel Payne

"Chelle is hitting all the high notes in this first book in what promises to be a great series!" -Jasinda Wilder

"Holy cow!! What an absolutely awesome book" -Cat's Guilty Pleasure

"What a freaking amazing read." -Bookhaven Book Blog

"HOT. HOT. HOT." -Ruth Cardello, NYT bestselling author


Topics: MC romance, men of inked, biker romance, romance saga, romantic suspense, series starter, first in series, romance series, romance saga, romantic family saga, new release, tattooed heroes, forbidden romance, second chance romance, small-town romance, hidden romance, strong alpha, alpha hero, family business, strong female lead, strong heroine, family secrets, new releases, top romance reads, Helen Hardt, Charlotte Byrd, Penelope Sky, E L James, Anna Todd, Avon Books, Harlequin Books, Nora Roberts, Bella Andre, Lexi Ryan, Penny Reid, Liliana Rhodes, Lexi Blake, Charlotte Byrd, Julia Kent

Perfect for the fans of Lauren Blakely, Nana Malone, Meghan March, Penny Reid, Skye Warren, Kendall Ryan, Kennedy Fox, Lexi Blake, Carrie Ann Ryan, Katie McCoy, and Penelope Ward

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210 recenzií

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