Wine, Water and Song

· Aeterna Press
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О овој е-књизи

 St. George he was for England, And before he killed the dragon He drank a pint of English ale Out of an English flagon. For though he fast right readily In hair-shirt or in mail, It isn’t safe to give him cakes Unless you give him ale. St. George he was for England, And right gallantly set free The lady left for dragon’s meat And tied up to a tree; But since he stood for England And knew what England means, Unless you give him bacon You mustn’t give him beans. St. George he is for England, And shall wear the shield he wore When we go out in armour With the battle-cross before. But though he is jolly company And very pleased to dine, It isn’t safe to give him nuts Unless you give him wine.  
Aeterna Press

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