Wingman: Alien Castaways 2 (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

· Alien Castaways መጽሐፍ 2 · Cara Bristol
76 ግምገማዎች

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

He has wings, but this alien is no angel…

Traumatized by the deaths of his family and the destruction of his planet, Wingman lands on Earth in search of a haven and the solitude to nurse his emotional wounds. When a chance decision foils a kidnapping, he’s drawn into the life of a young widow and her daughter. He’s shocked to discover the human woman is his genmate, the one he’s genetically bonded to.

To escape a stalker, Delia and her imaginative, impressionable daughter flee to a small town where nobody can find them. She’s concerned, but not overly so, when her daughter says she invited an angel to her birthday party.

Then the winged alien shows up, and all heck breaks loose. After a rocky first encounter, Delia begins to see Wingman for what he really is—a wounded hero, one of the most protective, sexiest men she’s ever met.

As passion deepens their bond, past dangers resurface to threaten Delia and her child. Will Wingman be able to confront his demons to make the sacrifice necessary to protect them?

ደረጃዎች እና ግምገማዎች

76 ግምገማዎች


USA Today bestselling author Cara Bristol writes science fiction romance about tough alien and cyborg heroes who fall hard for sassy heroines.

Cara is a homebody who married a wanderer. When she’s not writing or being distracted by squirrels cavorting outside her office window, she enjoys reading and traveling the world with her husband. Topping her bucket list is visiting all seven continents and petting a squirrel.

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