After over forty years of combined experience in teaching and creating and facilitating workshops, Milton realized that our cultures focus is primarily on recreation and prolonging life, rather than the quality of that life. He concluded that people who were willing to look at their own personal histories are better able to make changes that produce a more satisfying life without regrets.
These concepts can recreate the promise of hopefulness you may have forgotten:
Awareness of attitudes and behaviors that limit and contribute to a sense that somehow life is not working.
Conscious living
Conscious living implies your choices are based on todays reality.
Awakening to wholeness
Rediscover your own wholeness and a sense of hope.
Wising Up reassures that life has meaning and instructs how to find that meaning. The book provides methods to increase consciousness and broaden narrowed perspectives. Through the authors own experience, as well as the teachings of others, you will learn the process involved in self-discovery and greater attentiveness to living.
Participate in Wising Up and live life without regrets.
Hal Milton’s extensive background in education, athletic coaching, business, and the Human Potential Movement led to a lifetime study of modalities associated with body, mind, spirit, and emotional growth, prompting an integrative approach to the relationship between them. As he approaches his eighth-decade, Milton shares his unique synthesis of practical and spiritual approaches to living a full and satisfying life without regrets. Hal Milton is an ordained Unity Minister, author, seminar leader and Certified Advanced Rolfer and Movement Teacher. He is co-minister with his wife Sonya of InsideOut Ministries, affiliated with the Association of Unity Churches and dedicated to celebrating the inherent divinity within each person. He is the author of Going Public: A Practical Guide to Developing Personal Charisma. PO Box 2234, Napa, CA 94558.