Worry Proof: A Pediatrician (and Mom) Explains Which Foods, Medicines, and Chemicals to Avoid to Have Safe and Healthy Children

· Penguin саткан
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"A clear, succinct, scientific explanation" (Deepak Chopra) of the twenty-five hot-button issues that keep today's parents up at night.

Why do kids today have more allergies? Is it safe to let a child use a cell phone? Are the dangers posed by sunscreen outweighed by its protective value? Do vitamins and supplements really make a difference? These are just a few of the thousands of concerns hotly debated on the playground and in the media-but parents still lack objective knowledge on what's truly safe for their kids.

In this essential guide, experienced pediatrician and mother of two Dr. Cara Natterson clearly explains what to avoid, which so-called "dangerous" products are completely safe, and outlines what she does at home. A classic in the making, Worry Proof is unlike any other guide out there and will ease parental fears in an era of spiraling hysteria.

Автор жөнүндө

Cara Natterson, M.D., has treated thousands of children in private practice and has written two books on pediatrics. She works closely with Telepictures Productions, contributing to momlogic.com, and has appeared as an expert on CNN and the Today show. A graduate of Harvard and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Dr. Natterson lives in California with her husband and two children.

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