The author has been studying mild cognitive impairment since 2008. The reason was that his mother was diagnosed. Furthermore, he found a cure, and his mother was healthy until 2018. By the way, she has been taking donepezil since 2016 because pharmaceuticals stopped producing her treatment medication. The author regretted not taking measures in 2016. To treat his mother's Alzheimer's disease, which has occurred since 2018, he has been inquiring all over the place. By importing the drug from Germany, he returned his mother's Alzheimer's disease to mild cognitive impairment. In 2020, his mother was diagnosed with pneumonia and then had a stroke. On January 3, 2021, she went to heaven. January 3, 2021, was when a respiratory specialist in the intensive care unit of Hunt Regional Hospital in Greenville, Texas, sent the results of the inflammasome clinical study he was studying. The results of the study were to validate a treatment for respiratory failure for COVID-19. The author's mother went face-to-face with the disease to leave one of the cures for COVID-19, and she gave everything to humans. The name of this treatment is the Soon Joe treatment.