Learn how to tailor your options program using LEAPS and devise key strategies to improve profitability, protect paper profits, and avoid losses in long stock positions.
Kearney walks you through the inner workings of LEAPS and shows you compelling strategies for incorporating them into your overall approach to market. With instant access to the online video, you'll have everything you need to begin profiting with LEAPS.
Marty Kearney is a popular senior instructor with the Options Institute, the educational arm of the Chicago Board Options Exchange. He has helped brokers develop new business with conservative option strategy such as covered-writing and portfolio hedging, and trained brokerage firms’ compliance department staff. Kearney has also been a regular contributor to many news services including Reuters, Group W, The CBS Radio Network, Derivatives Week, Barron’s, Fortune, Ticker Magazine, SFO Magazine, CNBC, Bloomberg, NPR, and others.