Right Calories gives you access to subscribe to Bahrain's top healthy and delicious meal plan packages. Our app helps you choose meal plans that are tailored to your BMI and daily calorie requirements, empowering you to take control of your health and nutrition.
With Right Calories, you can:
Select meals based on your health data:
We analyze your BMI and calorie needs to suggest meal packages that fit your unique profile.
Access nutritional transparency: Each meal comes with detailed nutrition facts, so you know exactly what you're consuming, from calories to macronutrients.
Optimize your diet:
Our app helps you select meals that fit your dietary preferences, whether you're looking for healthy pizzas, burgers, or more traditional options, all made with nutritious ingredients.
Manage your weight and nutrition:
Right Calories is designed to assist you in managing your weight by providing meal plans that meet your specific caloric needs.
Our mission is to clear up misconceptions about healthy food by offering a variety of tasty meals made from wholesome ingredients. With Right Calories, you’ll have all the information you need to make informed choices and lead a healthier lifestyle.