If you fail to make the payment for any technical reasons, you can ruin your credit history very quickly. Be careful using this service. Always check if the payment is gone through. Otherwise, you'll pay multiple fees on top of being referred to collection in a matter of hours.
I'm trying to apply for the purchase something larger option and it has been such a headache. On the app, it requires you to scan a qr code, which I obviously can't do if I'm on the app with my phone. Tried to do it on the website and I just get a spinning wheel of nothing. Poor quality
Erik Debono
App no longer works. When j was logged in, it kept saying it couldn't load the data and nothing would show up. I reinstalled it and tried to log in and it said the log in details were incorrect. I logged in via the website and it worked completely fine. There seems to be a connection error between the app and the database because it's not recognising my password or loading any data.
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