
Hirdetéseket tartalmazAlkalmazáson belüli vásárlások
298 E vélemény
10 M+
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Tartalom besorolása
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Az alkalmazásról

Instantly compare your travel options in real-time across all transport modes!

Easily navigate your city with turn-by-turn directions for all your public transport, walking, cycling and scooter trips.

Find the best route
Simple city navigation and trip planning combining 🚎 bus, 🚇 metro, 🚄 train, ⛴ ferry, 🚕 cabs, 🚗 car share, 🚲 bike share, 🛴 e-scooters, and 🚶‍♂️ walking. Discover routes you never knew existed 🕵️‍♀️

Hit the GO button for step-by-step directions
Turn-by-turn navigation for your transit, walking, cycling and scooter trips. Choose between 3 different map views, see the charge levels of e-scooters and e-bikes around you, and avoid no-parking zones. We take care of the logistical thinking with our smart route planner so you are free to enjoy the ride 🙌

Experience one-stop-shop mobility
Compare cab fares, hail a ride, hop on a shared bike or get on the nearest scooter. Our partners include: Lime, Bird, NextBike, Uber, FreeNow, ShareNow 🚖 🚲 🛴

Beat the rush-hour crowd
Live wait times and ETA so you'll never miss a bus, train or ferry again. Follow your public transport as it’s approaching on a real-time map with our train & bus tracker. See the best train car to board, check the next train or bus stop, get alerted when it's time to get off, and get in and out from the best exit at any metro / train station ⏰

Smarten up your daily transit navigation
Get daily updates right on your lock screen for all public transport: real-time bus arrivals, subway, ferry and train times, with disruption / delay / status alerts and alternative routes. Stay on top of any changes to your local bus schedule, train schedule or ferry timetable with the all-in-one transit tracker 🚨

Personalise your city navigation
Save Home, Work and your go-to stops / stations for fast trip planning. Subscribe to your favourite metro, train, bus or ferry line for automatic disruption / delay / status alerts. Your local metro map, next bus time, metro time and train schedule at your fingertips ❤️

Get social
Share your live trip: let friends follow your live trip to know when you'll arrive. Share any location or address: one tap for others to get directions 🤳

Travel offline
Access the BKK metro, trolleybus and rail official maps, even when offline 🗺

Works on Wear OS
Just hit GO in the app and automatically see all the information you need during your trip on your Wear OS watch.

Budapest | Vienna | Bratislava | Zagreb | Belgrade | Bucharest | Krakow | Katowice | Prague | London | Paris | Rome | Barcelona | Madrid | Berlin | Copenhagen | Stockholm | Moscow | Istanbul | New York City | | Chicago | Los Angeles | Toronto | Mexico City | São Paulo | Hong Kong | Singapore | Tokyo | Sydney | Melbourne

+ Many more worldwide! See the full list and vote for the next one in the app or at 🏙

We use open data from transit agencies, including: Budapesti Közlekedési Központ (BKK) | MÁV-csoport 📈

Keep in touch
If you have any questions or feedback email us at:📱

Follow us on Twitter:
Visit our website:
2024. nov. 4.


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Ez az alkalmazás megoszthatja ezeket az adattípusokat harmadik felekkel
Személyes adatok, Pénzügyi adatok és további 3
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Értékelések és vélemények

293 E vélemény
David Kakoczki
2024. június 21.
nagyon jó app de magyaríthatnák már az egészet
3 személy hasznosnak találta ezt a véleményt.
Hasznosnak találta?
Soul of Sorrow
2024. június 14.
i love it
Hasznosnak találta?
Balázs Sótér
2024. január 2.
I have been using this app recently on my journeys. I don't know how I would get along without this app, recommend for travellers!
2 személy hasznosnak találta ezt a véleményt.
Hasznosnak találta?


This one fixes a few things.