Overdrop - Weather & Widgets

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리뷰 1.93만개
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스크린샷 이미지
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스크린샷 이미지
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앱 정보

Powered by leading weather forecast providers – like Dark Sky Weather, AccuWeather, and WeatherBit – Overdrop Weather helps you stay one step ahead. Use the 96-hour radar map, pick from over 50 beautiful widgets, stay on top of the weather with severe condition alerts, and set one of six appearances – from white to grey or OLED black.

Detailed weather forecast. With live weather forecasts from leading providers, Overdrop Weather ensures you never get caught in a storm. Rain or shine, our comprehensive weather reports give you instant access to weather data such as temperature including ‘feels like,’ wind speed, rain, hail, snow, the UV index, cloud cover, pressure, humidity, and visibility.

Severe weather alerts. Live in confidence with alerts for severe weather conditions. A detailed weather index alerts you about threats like extreme storms, helping you stay safe. And Overdrop Weather sends crucial alerts to your notifications, so you don’t miss a thing.

24-hour weather forecast. Use our beautiful temperature, wind, and rain graphs to see what weather lies ahead. Our new AI powered weather forecast will help you to plan your day. We visualise data on timelines so it’s easy to spot fluctuations. (For example, a storm is denoted by a hump in the rain graph, and the temperature graph indicates heatwaves.) And with 7-day weather forecast, plan up to a week in advance.

7-day weather forecast. Plan up to a week in advance with forecasts for the next seven days. Thanks to the AI weather forecast, you are good to go. Informative icons and brief overviews mean that what’s next – be it sunshine, storms, or freezing temperatures – is crystal clear. That’s one less thing to worry about.

Customisable weather notification. Get live updates with a beautiful weather notification, so you never get caught in a storm. Customise the notification’s appearance – from icons to position and colour – and subscribe to daily weather updates. Temperature in Status Bar displays a compact icon at the top of your screen.

Weather radar. Use radar maps to stay one step ahead. Radar is powered by the Global Forecast System and data from EMC, NCEP, NWS, and NOAA. Information collected by a global radar network helps pinpoint precipitation like drizzles, storms, or snowfall, and the GWS runs a mathematical analysis to map upcoming changes.

Weather widgets. Pick from over fifty standalone widgets showcasing live weather forecast, time, and battery status. This includes the At a Glance widget from Pixel Launcher and iOS 16 widgets. Overdrop Weather widgets work with any home app and don’t require third-party tools. Customize your device with the new iOS 16 widgets, and make it look like your favorite iPhone!

4 weather providers. Use Dark Sky Weather1, AccuWeather, WeatherBit and OpenWeatherMap – some of the leading live weather forecast providers – all from one place. With the support of the new AI weather providers, the weather data will be even more accurate. Switch weather providers anytime in Settings → Weather Provider.

Privacy built-in. Overdrop Weather has privacy built-in, so location data never leaves your device. And we never connect to your Google Account or other sign-in services.

1Dark Sky Weather is available through 2021.
업데이트 날짜
2024. 11. 3.

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평점 및 리뷰

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이 리뷰가 유용했나요?
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