Parenting Guru-App for Parents

186 ta sharh
50 ming+
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As per modern scientific research, 90% of a Child’s Brain Develops up to five years. It is also proved that child can learn things very fast up to the age of 12. Keeping this fact in mind, team Majestic Garbh Sanskar has taken the initiative for a unique parenting app i.e., Parenting Guru.

Parenting: It is just not a process of raising the children; Parenting is all about nurturing the values and ethics right from childhood. It is all about providing them the right atmosphere so that they can grow like a flower.
Parenting Guru app is a unique app in the segment parenting segment. This is an App for parents. We understand the requirement of a parent in the modern era. This is the only Parenting app, which offers daily personalized parenting plans as per the children’s age in English, Hindi, and Gujarati.

Plan includes
Age Appropriate daily seven activities from:
Moral World – 4000+ Moral Stories, Biographies, Poems, Articles, Life Learning Lessons
Today’s activity for child - 4200+ activities For Physical, Cognitive, Communication, and Social & Emotional Development
Yummy for Tummy - Balanced diet, and recipes
Mindful Music – Lullabies, Meditation, rhymes, shloka, Instrumentals
Diet for Soul - Spiritual Tracks, for the spiritual development of child and parents
Fitness Zone - Baby massage, Exercises, Kids yoga for Physical development of the child
Weekly Challenge - To improve family bonding, habits and manners, and Photographic memory (1800+ digital flashcards)

In Addition to these seven activities, parents would also get:
- Community Support from Experienced Parents
- Activity tracking and reporting
- Daily Tips and Motivation
- Periodic expert sessions

Invest Just 30 minutes a day.
Together, we can form a strong foundation for your loved one.

Parenting Guru App also includes (not limited to the following):

Material to understand Child Psychology, detailed guidance about the ideal child, ideal parent, Do’s and Don’ts for Parents, age-appropriate tips, games, music, parenting articles, vaccine chart, calendar Images with quotations, posters, Ideal Personalities, and their quotation, which could be pasted on the wall of kids room to motivate the kids to learn about those great personalities, videos on parenting by Saints and Experts on Parenting, parenting movies and dramas, child Stories, child Activities, library etc..

Parenting guru app is the best buddy for smart parents.
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-sen, 2024

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