Gray-Switch (Grayscale)

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**IMPORTANT** If your phone is not rooted, you need to manually grant the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission to the app. Detailed instructions on how to do so are provided within the app and in this video

Gray-Switch allows you to conveniently switch your device's display mode between full color and grayscale either using a quick settings tile (Android 7 or newer), a launcher icon, automatically when the battery charge has fallen below a configured value, and/or during a configurable time schedule (e.g. at night time).

If you are running Android 9 (Android P) or newer you don't necessarily need this app. You can also use the built-in Digital Wellbeing/Wind Down setting. However, it does not allow you to exclude applications from grayscale mode nor automatically enables grayscale mode on low battery.

Declaration of AccessibilityService-API Usage

The optional feature to exclude certain apps from grayscale mode requires the usage of the AccessibilityService-API. The AccessibilityService-API is only used to determine the ID of current foreground application to automatically enable or disable the grayscale mode. No data is collected.


Connect your phone to a PC with Android SDK Platform Tools installed and execute the following command after you installed the app on the phone:

adb shell pm grant com.vegardit.grayswitch android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS

Provider Identification:

Vegard IT GmbH
Ziegelhüttenstraße 33
63768 Hösbach

Represented by: Sebastian Thomschke, Patrick Spielmann


Register Entry in Handelsregister:
Register Court: Amtsgericht Aschaffenburg
Register Number: HRB 16384

V.A.T. Identification Number: DE284087225
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-avg, 2023

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