Waterly - Water Drink Reminder

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Get the free water drinking app now for weight loss, great skin, health & hydration.

Drinking the right amount of water is very important to keep your skin healthy and boost the weight loss process. But do you actually drink enough water every day?

Waterly is a new-generation hydration tracker app, which helps you maintain water balance easily. The water app will specify your optimal daily amount of water and reminds you to drink water every day. It helps you develop a healthy habit of drinking water daily and keep your body in healthy condition! Drinking enough water helps to reduce anxiety and stress levels, normalize your pressure, heart work, improve brain and physical activity.
✅ Easy to use
Input your weight, height and activity details to start, and Waterly will suggest your daily goal. You will receive notifications from the hydration app to remind you to drink water - and you can log drinks from notification directly.
✅ Variety of drinks & personal stats
Log water, tea, coffee, and more drinks to track your hydration level everyday, enjoy your healthier body and brain. Check personalized stats to track your progress, analyze drinks consumption. Track your weight changes as well to see how water consumption influences your body and skin condition.
✅ Benefits to your health
People who had just 2 or 3 more cups of water a day then usual seem to have less fat, sugar, salt, and overall calories through the day. That means proper hydration could help you lose weight. Use an in-built weight tracker to see your progress and results from this simple action - adding an extra glass of water per day.
Start using the Water Drink Reminder today and see how you reach your hydration and weight goals! 🐬

Key Features:

💧 Notifications
💧 Water counter
💧 Unit selection: standard (fl oz) or metric (ml) units.
💧 Many drinks: tea, coffee, vegan drinks, alcohol and soft drinks.
💧 Weight tracker: tracks how your water intake helps to lose weight.
💧 Capacity customization: set amount to drink at a time.
💧 Statistics: view graphs of your daily, weekly, and monthly water intake.
💧 Schedule notifications: choose when to receive the drink water notifications.
💧 Customize notifications: set sounds, preferred view, add a widget to your home screen.
💧 Sleep time: set your sleep time to receive notifications only when you are awake.

🗒 Share with us your Waterly story: how drinking enough water has changed your lifestyle or helped to feel better?
Or write to us with feedback or suggestions - we will be happy to improve our app and make your life healthier and more fun.

💥 New drinks release every week! Write to us about what you drink usually and we will add your favorite drinks shortly!
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-sen, 2024

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1,92 ming ta sharh

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- Updated support for Android 14;
- Bugs fixed.