If you have a car or motorcycle and are always looking for benefits, the new KMV is for you! The complete loyalty program that offers you more freedom and security in your everyday life
Using it is simple:
Whenever you refuel at Ipiranga gas stations, use the app to pay and choose between:
◉ Accumulate 2 KMV points for every real spent at your favorite Ipiranga gas station + 1% cashback on all refueling
◉ Earn 1% cashback on all refueling and accumulate 1 KMV for every real spent
◉ Boost cashback by exchanging your KMV balance:
800 KMV = 3% cashback
1,250 KMV = 5% cashback
Then just use your cashback balance to pay for new supplies and accumulate even more cashback or KMV points!
Additionally, you can exchange your KMV for alternative offers that bring benefits from 100+ partners, including:
◉ Automotive: Ipiranga Stations, PneuStore, Jet Oil.
◉ Travel/Miles: LATAM Pass, Azul Fidelidade, Smiles, Livelo and Azul Viagens.
◉ Car rental: Unidas, Movida, Localiza, Turbi and Rentcars
◉ Tourism: Hotéis.com, resorts like Hot Park Rio
Hot, Costa do Sauípe and more
◉ Entertainment: Cinemas, football tickets and streaming
like Disney+.
◉ Online shopping: Netshoes, Zattini.
◉ Services: Ultragaz
Furthermore, we offer services with exclusive conditions:
◉ Vehicle consultation of fines, IPVA or licensing with payment in installments within up to
◉ Auto Insurance.
And if you're an Uber driver, we have an exclusive partnership where you can earn up to 10% cashback every time you fill up using the app!"
KMV, accompanies you every way