Tusky for Mastodon

4.03K izibuyekezo
Isilinganiselwa sokuqukethwe
Abakhulile abangu-17+
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini
Isithombe sesithombe-skrini

Mayelana nalolu hlelo lokusebenza

Tusky kuyinto amaklayenti elula yokuthi Mastodon (https://joinmastodon.org/), a khulula futhi evulekile-jar server yokuxhumana. Isekela zonke izici Mastodon, njengezithombe, amavidiyo, uhlu, ngokwezifiso emoji futhi yakhelwe ngokuvumelana neziqondiso impahla.
Ungakhetha phakathi amnyama nokukhanya timu ku Tusky. It has izaziso kanye okusalungiswa isici.
Tusky imahhala futhi ovulekile wesofthiwe ilayisensi ngaphansi GPL-3.0. Ikhodi yomthombo iyatholakala at https://github.com/tuskyapp/Tusky
Kubuyekezwe ngo-
Dis 27, 2023

Ukuphepha kwedatha

Ukuphepha kuqala ngokuqonda ukuthi onjiniyela baqoqa futhi babelane kanjani ngedatha yakho. Ubumfihlo bedatha nezinqubo zokuphepha zingahluka kuye ngokusebenzisa kwakho, isifunda, nobudala. Unjiniyela unikeze lolu lwazi futhi angalubuyekeza ngokuhamba kwesikhathi.
Ayikho idatha eyabiwe nezinkampani zangaphandle
Funda kabanzi mayelana nendlela onjiniyela abaveza ngayo ukwabelana
Ayikho idatha eqoqiwe
Funda kabanzi mayelana nokuthi onjiniyela bakuveza kanjani ukuqoqwa

Izilinganiso nezibuyekezo

3.9K izibuyekezo

Yini entsha

- The screen will stay on again while a video is playing.
- A memory leak has been fixed. This should improve stability and performance.
- Emojis are now correctly counted as 1 character when composing a post.
- Fixed a crash when text was selected on some devices
- The icons in the help texts of empty timelines will now always be correctly aligned.
- Fixed ANR caused by direct message badge