Notify for Mi Band (up to 7)

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Mi Band 8, Mi Band 7 Pro, Redmi Watch see new Notify for Xiaomi app
Mi Band 7, 6 limitations Read more

Mi Watch, Mi Watch Lite, Redmi Band, and other models: check Notify for Smartwatches app

- 👆 Mi Band button custom actions: next music track, tasker, IFTTT, selfie, voice assistant, Alexa, HTTP request, ...)
- ✏️ Quick reply to Whatsapp, Telegram, … messages using your Mi Band
- 🗓️ Sync phone calendar reminders, custom repeated reminders, custom wake up alarm, power nap
- 🗺️ Maps, Alexa and Google Clock app dedicated support
- 👦 Customize notifications for each contact (mom, girlfriend, friends, ...)
- 🎨 Multiple app profiles to customize app behaviors depending on days, location, ...
- 📞 Voip calls notifications: Whatsapp, Telegram, Messenger, Viber, Hangouts, Line, Zalo, ...
- 🔕 Mute unwanted notifications (Whatsapp groups, DND phone, ...)
- 🔋 Phone battery high/low alert, timer, countdown, anti-loss phone feature and many other tools
- 🏃 Workout session: track and analyze each of your sessions (steps, heart, calories, GPS)
- ❤️ Heart high/low alerts, ignore low/high heart values
- 🔗 Google Fit data sync, spreadsheet data export
- 🔗 Strava, Runkeeper, Runalyze, TCX, GPX workout sync
- 🔗 Tasker (and similar app) integration
- 🎛 Widgets
- 🔒 Your data is safe and secure: no cloud upload, no sharing

- 👣 Steps, sleep, heart, calories, weight data tracking and analysis
- ❤️ Heart monitoring with custom period interval (including continuous mode)
- 🛌 Sleep as Android support
- 💬 Phone notifications: calls, Whatsapp, Telegram, Instagram, SMS, emails, ...
- ⏰ Unlimited reminders and up to 8 native smart alarms
- ⚖️ Mi Scale 1 & 2 and many other scales supported Full list
- ⌚ Tons of watchfaces to install

Notice: Workouts saved on the band cannot be synced on this app, NFC cards are not supported

Introduction to the app
Get custom (icon, text and vibration) alerts on your band when you receive a new notification on your smartphone, you'll never miss any call or your friends' messages.
You can personalize the notification of all incoming and missed calls and you will instantly be notified each time you receive an SMS or a Whatsapp message.
Add all your reminders to never miss an important event.
Track all your health data including workouts, steps, sleep, heart, calories and weight. Compare your week statistics to get better goals.
Use the music player buttons to run custom actions like change music track, start voice assistant, run an Alexa routine, reply to a Whatsapp/Telegram message, …
Update your Mi Band to unlock emoticons support and install new watchfaces to customize the appearance of your band.

✅ All Mi Band supported: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3i, 2, HRX, 1S, 1A, 1

Notify for Amazfit & Zepp
🆒 Amazfit & Zepp devices (Bip, GTR, GTS, T-Rex, …) also supported Notify for Amazfit & Zepp

© 2024 Onezerobit. All rights reserved.
This app is in no way associated with Xiaomi/Huami. This app includes no warranty.
Mi, Mi Fit, Zepp Life, Mi Band, Amazfit, Zepp are trademarks of Xiaomi/Huami.
This app does not provide medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

❓ Check the app help section on main left menu and also our dedicated FAQ section

🌍 App languages: English, Spanish, French, Portoguese, Russian, Italian, Czech, German, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Ukrainian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Bulgarian, Belarusian, Catalan, Turkish, Persian, Croatian, Finnish, ...
Thanks to all contributors!
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-fev, 2024

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Nima yangiliklar

- Added GPX file import
- New Google Fit sync procedure (redo login)
- Updated translations
- Fixed bugs