Camtronome - Pro Metronome

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Do you want to master your rhythm skills? If so, Camtronome (a professional metronome with a camera) is a smart solution for you. Train your timing, precision, accuracy, and enjoy the multitude of handy settings. Our metronome app also features a video recording function, thanks to which you will monitor your progress. Program your own "beats per minute" with a straightforward "Tap Tempo" button! You will find vivid visual beat indicators within the app - change the pitch of the sound to make the click audible over your instrument. It's the best training tool for musicians playing drums, but it's also suitable for guitar, piano, ukulele, violin, hang drum, bass, or voice practice. This innovative and interactive pro metronome is ideal for keeping a steady tempo during rehearsals, recording sessions, and live concerts.

[ The Best and Easy-to-Use interactive pro metronome for musicians ]

Become a better musician with Camtronome! The app features various and advanced tools mixed with a user-friendly interface. Also, the meter and note value can change automatically during your practice session. From now, complex beats will always be within your reach. Moreover, you may create playlists, thanks to which all your unique metronomes will be well-organized. Then, you can store them in the Cloud. Do you want to practice 120 bpm tempo, ¾ meter, or perform some drumming exercises? Our pro metronome app will meet all your expectations. Also, it's suitable for any music genre (from 12 bar blues to power metal), and there are 47 available sound samples of clicks.

[ A visual beats at your fingertips ]

Download and install the Camtronome app on your mobile to perform solo or group music practice every time you want! You can loop preferred settings to keep a steady tempo during your rehearsal. This metronome app was designed for musicians who need a complex, programmable digital metronome that can easily change bpm. It's suitable for artists who read sheet music and those who have just started their musical journey. If you're a professional drummer, save all your unique playlists, get on stage and play the whole concert without a single mistake - the click will guide you through each piece! The extensive training mode will help you develop excellent rhythm skills and a steady tempo wherever you are. Camtronome (pro metronome with camera) is always at your fingertips.

Our metronome app has a particular motivating system - play regularly to earn, so-called, Camtronome Points. How does it work? To unlock new achievements, you must practice 30/60/120 minutes 6 days a week, and as a reward, you will be given a "no ads" version of an app for a certain time! Whether you're a drummer, guitarist, pianist, ukulele player, violinist, hang drum performer, bass player, or singer, this app has everything you need to improve your skills.

Cool Camtronome - pro metronome features:

★ A complex visual metronome that is easy to use, where rhythm and meter can change over time
★ Audio reminder about the upcoming changes in the song's structure - signalizes a verse chorus, guitar solo, etc.
★ Playlist with your music (mp3, wav, etc.)
★ Speed modifier - slow down or speed up the beat for effective practice
★ Video recording function
★ Advanced practice mode - speeds up / slows down the metronome every X seconds / beats mutes random notes or the entire turnaround
★ 47 audio samples to choose from
★ Camtronome Cloud
★ Bluetooth or USB keyboard control of the application
★ Many language versions
★ User-friendly interface
★ Exercise charts - check the total time of your exercises
★ TAP Tempo - touch the screen to set the metronome’s speed
★ Achievements - exercise regularly and unlock "Camtronome Points" , and share your achievements on social media

Never miss a beat and take your drum, guitar, piano, ukulele, or violin practice to the next level with our pro metronome app.
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-apr, 2024

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With this update we have added internal improvements so that our metronome runs even smoother and faster on all devices 💪