Deal Breakers: When Does Mr. Right Become Mr. Not-On-Your-Life?

· 出版商:Harmony
2 則評論


Is he Mr. Right or Mr. Not-on-Your Life?
For some women, it’s a moustache. For others, it’s a cheating heart. Whether you’re playing the field or are considering a trip down the aisle, you’ve got to determine whether to stick it out or move on in your pursuit of true love. Find out what your deal breakers are:
• You’re on your first date when you notice he’s had four glasses of wine before the entrée arrives. Deal breaker?
• You’ve been dating someone special and upon entering his apartment for the first time you notice a book called The Idiot’s Guide to Sex. Deal breaker?
• Your long-term boyfriend proposes and presents you with a stunning ring in a Tiffany’s box—and later you find out it’s a cubic zirconium. Deal breaker?
• You meet a cute guy at a bar, but the only number he’ll give you is his pager. Deal breaker?
• You’re looking forward to a romantic Valentine’s evening with your new beau. He picks you up at seven, and when you get in the car he says, “So, what’s the plan?” Deal breaker?  
• You’re engaged to a man of another religion and it’s never been an issue in your relationship. One evening when you’re talking about having children, he tells you he expects the children to be raised in his faith. Deal breaker?
• One night after a few drinks your date lets you know he once had a passionate affair with a married woman. Deal breaker?


2 則評論


Michele Avantario is the coauthor of Deal Breakers: When Does Mr. Right Become Mr. Not-On-Your Life? She began her career as an advertising television and radio producer in Manhattan. For the past ten years, she has managed a casting and wrangling company. She lives in Belle Harbor, New York.

Maia Dunkel is the coauthor of Deal Breakers: When Does Mr. Right Become Mr. Not-On-Your-Life? She works in advertising and occasionally performs as a stand-up comic. She lives in New York City.




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